Specialty Treatment Lenses
Blumenthal Suturelysis
p/n: AX13242
Suturelysis Procedures. Lens is Blumenthal Suturelysis with an image magnification of 2x-3x and a laser spot of 0.50x-0.33x. Manufactured by Volk.
p/n: AX13998
Laser Capsulotomy Procedures. Lens is Capsulotomy with an image magnification of 1.57x and a laser spot of 0.63x. Manufactured by Volk.
Central Retinal
p/n: AX13454
High Magnification Indirect Vitreoretinal Procedures. Lens is Central Retinal with a field of view of 73/88 degrees and an image magnification of 0.71x. Manufactured by Volk.
p/n: AX14496
Laser Iridotomy Procedures. Lens is Iridectomy with an image magnification of 1.7x and a laser spot of 0.58x. Manufactured by Volk.
MagPlus Iridectomy
p/n: AX13997
Laser Iridotomy Procedures. Lens is MagPlus Iridectomy with an image magnification of 1.6x and a laser spot of 0.63x. Manufactured by Volk.
p/n: AX15829
Used for Mid Peripheral Retinal Diagnosis and Focal/Grid laser therapy. 0.7x magnification imaging and wide 110/132 degree field of view past the equator for pan retinal imaging and treatment. Excellent substitute for Rodenstock pan fundus lens. 1.44x laser spot. Manufactured by Volk.