Sutures 6-0 Polyglycolic Acid

Peters and Mani brand 6-0, violet braided, polyglycolic acid sutures with single and double arms. Dia spatula, trape spatula, spatula, and reverse cut needles ranging in length, curve, and diameter. Mani and Peters brand sutures are high-quality products with strong and break-resistant needles. Sold 12 per box.

Option Type Curve Diameter Length Manufacturer Needle Length Needle Type Unit Purchase
suture, PGA, DA 6-0 1/4 8mm
Double-armed suture, measures 45cm in length. Spatula needle, measures 8.0mm in length, 1/4 curve, and 0.70mm in diameter. Manufactured by Peters.
Double Arm 1/4 0.70mm 45cm Peters 8.0mm Spatula
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Suture, 6-0 PGA 18" Spatula
Double-armed suture, measures 45cm in length. Dia spatula needle, measures 8.5mm in length, 1/4 curve, and 0.28mm in diameter. Manufactured by Mani.
Double Arm 1/4 0.28mm 45cm Mani 8.5mm Dia Spatula
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suture, PGA SA 6-0 3/8 12mm
Single-armed suture, measures 45cm in length. Reverse cut needle, measures 12.0mm in length, 3/8 curve, and 0.70mm in diameter. Manufactured by Peters.
Single Arm 3/8 0.70mm 45cm Peters 12.0mm Reverse cut
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